Friday, June 15, 2007

Am I doing this right?

Myspace? Xanga? I decided to start my first real blog here. Main reason being that I'd like to start with a fresh, new audience, not one that already knew my whole existence and was able to predict what I would blog about anyway. Plus writing a blog might not be the manliest thing to may even be referenced to keeping a secret diary...which is another reason I choose this as a medium.

Finishing the last of my finals, I've caught myself spending a lot of hours late at night just listening to relaxing R&B, with a dimly lit melon-scented candle from Ralphs, and the sound of a few cars that pass by the boulevard every so often...just thinking about my life, so I might as well share my pondering. Figured this to be more useful than looking like a crack addict gazing into blank space, which is what the alternative would be. As you can see, this is just the beginning of my blog, my life. What in the world am I going to write about? Simply everything. Snippets of my life, friends, family, relationships (even though I'm single), and notable parts of my day.

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