Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's almost summer

It's been close to a year since I've posted and I finally have some free time to update this again. Having just finished one of my last finals for this semester has once again put me in a dilemma of whether I should pursue my college career or dedicate more time into my business venture. If you can't tell, I didn't do too hot this semester.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place my parents are dead set that I'm finishing college. The mere idea of not finishing my bachelors would be devastating for them to hear, so it's just been an internal conflict more than anything.

Other than that, I've meet a truly awesome person that I've spent most of my last year with. Despite the couple squabbles we've had, I think she's been truly one of a kind. She is extremely caring to the point where I don't even think about "..I wish she was more caring" type of thoughts. I'm very content with my love relationship and can't ask for anything else.

One of my very close friends has also moved up north to San Francisco and scored himself a job at BMW. As much as that has been a great inspiration, it's also been a reality check for myself that I'm way behind and have been spending my time not as focused as I was before. I've realized that I need to spent my time with personalities that will reflect who I am and also help me drive myself towards my goals.

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